Rose Luna & Sage

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Full Moon in Aries ♈︎

This full moon is going to be intense. Aries brings a fiery energy and being a full moon emotions will be at a high. Aries is also conjunct with Chiron, also know as the wounded healer. We are given the opportunity to look deep within and heal these traumas or blockages that are holding us back.

What does this full mean for your sign?


This is a great time to focus on yourself. You may be feeling like you life has been too focused on those around you. Find the balance between your needs and the needs of others, but do so from a place of love as emotions may take over.


A secret or private matter may be illuminated during this time. If you have been overworking yourself lately this a great time to relax and focus on your soul. Have you been expressing your true self or holding back? Dig a little deeper and allow yourself to be who you are.


Have you been holding onto or wishing for something that is just not happening for you? Take some time to work out if this 'dream' is actually something you still want. If deep down you intuitively know it's not for you, now is the time to release it and allow the space to be filled with what truly aligns with you.


Your career may be your focus at this time. A sudden opportunity may arise which gives you a chance to take the lead and put your best foot forward. Make sure you do so with grace though, or you may regret it later.


This full moon brings a great opportunity for you to grow spiritually. If you have been too narrow-minded or focused on one thing lately it's time to open up and look at the bigger picture. If you feel like you are getting nowhere, take a step back and look how far you have come.


This full moon is calling for you to find a balance between how much you give and how much you take. Issues regarding how much you value yourself may arise work through this feeling, remember sometimes you are your own biggest critic.


This is a great time to release and forgive any issues you have within your relationships. Strive to create a natural balance between what you need and what you give. Remember that all our relationships and encounters give us an opportunity to learn something about ourselves.


If you have been struggling to create healthy habits into your daily routine now is the time to deep dive and ask yourself why they do not stick. Focus on your triggers that derail you, is there a pattern? Release what is holing you back.


A creative project you have been working on may come to a peak during this time. Celebrate this milestone. You have been working really hard, don't hesitate to take a little break to have fun.


This full moon is calling for you to find a balance between your family and your career. If you have been spending too much of your time focused on one or the other, something with give. It's time to prioritise your time between the two otherwise you may run the risk of burnout.


Be extra careful as emotions are running high at the moment and disagreements could be blow way out of proportion. Also, if you have been holding something back or not communicating your truth now is a great time to express yourself.


If you have been fearful about cash lately, now is the time to release that fear or any blockage you may have. Try and focus on why you have these beliefs and if they are truly justified. Welcome in abundance and allow yourself to receive it.


Under this full moon I release what no longer serves my higher good. I accept my purpose and trust the divine timing.

I draw the fullness of the moon into my heart and welcome love and healing to my thoughts, beliefs and relationships.

I live my life knowing I am blessed, I am safe, I am love.