Rose Luna & Sage

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Mars retrograde

Mars retrograde in Gemini 30 Oct - 12 Jan 2023.

Mars is the planet of strength, courage, drive, motivation and conflict. Gemini is the sign of communication. When Mars is in Gemini our form of attack is usually our words, or we may find it difficult to focus on one thing as we can be easily distracted.

When a planet is in retrograde it becomes difficult for the planet's energy to express with ease. Mars likes to get things done, when it's retrograde we may lack our motivation, or on the other side, get into something too quickly without thinking it through or with aggression.

During this retrograde it's important to respond rather than react. There is a high chance of miscommunication or a message being misunderstood at first. It's important to remember not to start any conflict. Most likely if you start conflict during a Mars retrograde you will not win.

Avoid starting any new projects, but if you must it's important to understand you may need to revisit your goals and really work on your motivation during the process.

If you're already prone to negative self talk you may find it's creeping back in during this retrograde. Take advantage of this by journaling and doing inner work.

Check for any energy leaks. Are you wasting your energy on something or someone that is not serving your greater good? This is a great time to re-evaluate where your energy is going.

Re-evaluate your motives and your goals. Although you may lack motivation it is a good time to re-look your goals. Why did you start something in the first place? Bring yourself back to the core. This can even mean looking within at your own core values.

Also, if you have been holding onto any grudges or there have been long standing conflicts, this is a great time to practice forgiveness and close that door.