Rose Luna & Sage

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New Moon in Libra - 26 September 2022

Be open and allow yourself to receive all blessing coming to you. The new moon in Libra on the 26th September at 7:54am (AEST) marks the middle of the lunar year. Represented by the scales, it is a balanced energy and it strives to create equilibrium, justice and harmony in all areas of our lives.

During this time you may be focused on your relationships with Mercury in retrograde for another week or so this is a great time to reconnect with old friends. It is important to nurture our relationships, but remember to be conscious of the balance and make sure all efforts are reciprocated.

What does this new moon mean for your sign?


This new moon is in your love and relationship zone. If you have been wanting to manifest a new love interest or rekindle an existing one, now is the time. Assess what you’re looking for in a relationship and what you bring to the relationship and make sure these align.


It’s time to find a balance between your mind, body and wellbeing. You may feel the urge to re-organise your daily routines or re-motivated to get back into a health regime that you have let slide.


This new moon is about having fun and connecting to your inner child. Allow yourself to be creative and let yourself shine. If you are wanting to meet someone in a romantic sense, the Libra energy will be on your side.


A new cycle relating to your home may be knocking on your front door. Discussion of a new home may arise, or you may have the urge to rearrange some furniture. A change can bring a renewed energy but try and avoid any big purchases until mercury stations direct.

LEO ♌︎

Focus on communicating with love and kindness and be open to new thought patterns and modes of communication. This is a great time to reconnect with siblings or extended family that you may have not seen for a while.


This is a great time for you to set some financial goals. Look at your personal values and your financials goals and come up with a plan to align the two.


This new moon is about you. Focus on your physical appearance, your internal health and the path you want to live. You may feel a heightened awareness for what fills you up and what no longer aligns with you. It’s a wonderful time for self-reflection and personal goal setting.


This is a time for renewing and recharging. If you feel an urge to withdraw and go within honour this and ride with it. This is a great time to take on a new spiritual practice. Your dreams may be quite vivid at this time, journaling these along with your daily thoughts is recommended.


This is a great time to revisit any long term aspirations you have. Are these still in alignment with you? or do they need to be revised or cut out and replaced with new ones? If you have an online presence this is a great to time rebrand or refresh.


This is a great time to revisit career goals or your business plan. You may find a sense of a new beginning relating to your career, a new mindset, project or even promotion. This may not show up all at once, but more so as a new chapter of opportunities appearing over time.


You may find you have the urge to travel or plan a trip. Don’t be surprised if you feel a sense or restlessness or dissatisfaction with your regular routine. Shake things up a bit, learn something new, go on an adventure and allow your imagination to inspire a renewed perspective of your life.


If you are wanting to create more passion in your partnerships now is a great time to try something new and exciting. This is also a time to reclaim your power. Create a balance between who or where you are giving your power and control to and make sure its reciprocated equally.

New moon affirmation for all signs:

I open myself to receive all of the blessings and gifts the universe has for me