Rose Luna & Sage

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What are the 7 Chakras

Chakras are the main energy centres of the body. In Sanskrit the word "chakra" means wheel or disk, it is believed each Chakra moves with a spinning motion forming a type of vortex that filters the energy of the environment around us and releases it throughout the body. When all Chakras are open and free flowing energy can run through them and harmony can exist between the mind, body and spirit.

There are 7 major Chakras. One enters your body from the top of you head, and the other 6 follow vertically down the midline. With energy entering from both front and back. All Chakras are constantly interacting and moving. If the vitality of the movement becomes slow it can mean we are out of balance in that area of our life.

The root chakra is situated at the base of the spine. It is responsible for our sense of security and our connection to the earth. If this energy is blocked we may feel ungrounded and neglect our physical needs.

Our sacral chakra is associated with creativity and how well we adapt to change. A free flow of energy here will give us a passionate approach to life. It allows us to see the beauty in the life around us.

The solar plexus chakra is our sense of confidence and self esteem. When this centre is out of balance we may find our inner critic over powers our thoughts. When this is in balance we are able to enjoy life without the approval of others.

Our heart chakra is located in the middle of our chest. It affects our ability to show unconditional love to others and to ourselves. When our heart chakra is out of balance we may be giving too much to other and not showing ourselves enough love. When we are balance we have a great sense of peace and inner wellbeing.

The throat chakra is associate with expression and communication. When this area is in balance we are aware of our we affect others and we are able to express our ideas with clarity and maintain personal integrity. A blocked throat chakra may show as overly talkative and a difficulty to listen to others.

Our third eye chakra is located in the centre of our forehead. This chakra is associated with our inner knowing, it’s where the conscious meets the unconscious. When our third eye is balance we are able to lead and make decisions with our intuition rather than out ego or a place of fear.

Our crown chakra is associated with our inner knowing. It’s our home of spirituality and our connection to the divine. It is believed on we have reached the full potential of our crown chakra we are at our highest level of consciousness.

The journey through our chakras can be seem as a journey through our personal growth and development. This will increase self-awareness and create balance within ourselves. If you are wanting to balance your own chakras, try giving yourself a week to focus on each chakra. Keep a journal during this process and write down your thoughts and feelings over the seven weeks. Don’t make journal entries a chore, just go with your intuition and how you’re feeling, be creative and enjoy the process.