Crystals for Mercury Retrograde

The planet that governs communication, technology and travel is currently doing it's final retrograde of 2023. As we enter the festive season with an increase of travel and social events it's important to stay relaxed, go with the flow and be prepared for any situation. Make sure to confirm plans and leave a little earlier to avoid any stress.

During these retrogrades we also risk misspeaking or misunderstanding so to avoid confrontation think before we speak and try to express ourselves from a more heartfelt place.

These are some of the crystals I'll be carrying with me during this period.

  • Black Obsidian. A powerful protection stone. To help to bring in positive energy.

  • Smokey Quartz. To absorb and neutralise my body of negative thoughts and emotions.

  • Amazonite. For assistance in clear communication and to help remind me to go with the flow.

  • Fluorite. To clear my mind and draw out negative energy and stress. This stone also helps to make good choices using logic and ration.

  • Clear Quartz. To bring clarity, focus and clear any mental blockages.

Kate Zoric