Leo New Moon ♌

We have a New Moon in the sign of Leo on 29 July 2022 at 3:54am AEST. This new moon energy is all about creativity, love and fun. We are all creative beings and sometimes we neglect that side of us. Work with the Leo energy to reignite your creative flow. Be courageous, and breakthrough fears and expectations that are stopping you from being the person you want to become.

Leo, being a fire sign, is confident and driven. It’s time to claim your spotlight. Is there something you have been holding back? Now is the time to showcase it to the world.

Although this energy is about love and fun it’s important to have self-awareness during the coming days. Make sure you are communicating from your higher self. If you feel your ego coming forth take a step back and come from a place of love. Be gentle with yourself and others. Following the New Moon there is a conjunction between Uranus, the North Node and Mars. This can bring intense, aggressive and volatile energy. Focus your energy on love and grounding yourself.

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