Mercury Retrograde 10 September - 2 October 2022

It’s back.. Mercury is going retrograde in the sign of Libra on 10th September 2022, moving backwards into Virgo on the 23rd and stationing direct on the 2nd October. You may have already been feeling the impact over the shadow period the last couple of weeks.

Mercury is the planet of communication. It rules our technology, relationships and short distant travel. When it goes retrograde we may experience delays or glitches in these areas of our lives. Libra is the sign of relationships so we may need to take extra care or re-evaluate how we communicate with those closest to us.

Keep in mind whenever mercury scrambles your life it’s usually in an area where you have a lesson to learn or you were already on the verge of unravelling anyway. If something goes wrong, observe it, take responsibility, laugh and learn.

Advice for each sign


Pay attention to how you are communicating with your partner. Unspoken issues may arise during this time. Learn to listen and try to focus on a compromise.


Re organise your work space. Be careful how you communicate with your colleagues and make sure everyone has the correct information on hand.


If you want to get back with an ex or re kindle a relationship now is your chance. On the other hand a past love interest may appear to help close off that chapter.


You may have a visit from a family member you have not seen in a while. Try and avoid moving homes and but if you have to, read and then read again the contract or lease before signing.


You may find your mind is very busy, be careful not to blurt out everything you are thinking. Think and choose your words carefully. Re read text messages and emails before sending them.


You may experience a delay in money flowing towards your or find an unexpected bill arises. This is a good time to re look at your budget and how you are spending your money.


Are you happy with how others perceive you? Take care when expressing yourself publicly. If you are thinking about changing your look, wait until mid October.


You may be called to retreat and do some inner work. This is a great time to journal and connect with your higher self. Release anything that is holding you back.


You may reconnect with an old friend or re evaluate your current friendships. Be careful of any miscommunication amongst friends and avoid gossip and rumours.


Complete any half finished projects that have been lingering. Now is not the time to start anything new but to clean up and prepare for post retrograde.


You may find you need to revisit a place you have been before. If you need to travel make sure to triple check your itinerary and luggage. If there are delays just go with the flow.


If there is an imbalance in your relationships, it will show up. If you can, try and avoid taking out any loans, now is the time to pay off your debts.

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