Jupiter enter Aries

Today Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion moves into Aries the sign of courage and action. Even though Jupiter is an outer planet we may feel this transit on a more personal level. We may feel re-energised and more focused on ourselves as we strive to satisfy our need for happiness.

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac so you may find that you are more willing to make that bold move when it comes to making your dreams come true. If you find that spark of inspiration you are likely to run with it rather than map out a clear plan, especially once Mars stations direct in January.

We create our own opportunities and we seek more material and tangible results. This is a time to learn to back yourself as you will find you gain the most luck when you have faith and courage in yourself and your ability to inspire and succeed.

How will this affect your sign?

Aries - Identity & Physical Appearance

Taurus - Subconscious & Mental Health

Gemini - Friendships & Ambitions

Cancer - Career & Public Reputation

Leo - Travel & Higher Education

Virgo - Shared Finances &

Libra - Marriage & Partnerships

Scorpio - Daily Routine & Health

Sagittarius - Creativity & Children

Capricorn - Home & Foundations

Aquarius - Community & Communication

Pisces - Income & Possessions

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