Rose Luna & Sage

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Aries Season

Aries Season marks the beginning of a new astrological calendar. As the sun moves into this fiery sign we may feel a sense of energy increasing, as well as interest and motivation creeping (well, not really creeping, more like a ram charging!) in to start something new or continuing something we've put off for a while with a new perspective.

Aries is a fire sign, which means forward momentum. If you've been putting something off or wanting to try something new now is a great time. You will be supported and feel energised. Aries have a strong focus on themselves and what they want which means you are less likely now to care about what others think and their opinion, because we know that’s none of our business.

With this forward momentum however, it is important keep coming back and connecting with ourselves. When we stay in a fire energy too long we risk burning out.

Ruled by Mars, there may tend to be some aggression as we charge through the month. Try and find ways to release any built up anger or frustration positively rather than allowing it to explode at an inappropriate time.

Happy Birthday to all our beautiful, driven, protective and fiery Aries souls!