Weekly Horoscope - 26 March 2023



Matters around the home maybe testing your patience in the coming month as mars enters your fourth house. Try and be less straightforward and see things from a more compassionate place. You may be blessed with a new, more optimistic perspective at the start of the week, this will make you shine from the inside out.



You may find yourself more in your head as mercury transits your twelfth house. if you don’t already, start a journaling practice to safely release anything stored in your unconscious mind. Indulge in your mind, body and soul, try a new spiritual practice or the renew ones you already have.



You may get the opportunity to travel and see or catch up over the phone with a long distant friend during the first half of the week. As mars enters it’s transit through your second house be aware of any conflicts that may arise over your possessions or money.



Situations may arise where you feel the urge to stick up for yourself, you may struggle with this as it’s not something you would normally do. If this is giving you a sense of frustration try release it via physical outlet. For example exercise or a walk outside.



If you are needing to apply for a loan this week you may find you are approved quite easily. However, make sure you are not overly optimistic when it comes to the amount you can repay. It is also a good week to review your investment or insurance polices.



It may be hard for a Leo to admit, but sometimes we are asked a question and we do not have the answer or we are put into a situation where we do not know what to do next. Although not the most comfortable feeling, these are amazing opportunities to expand our knowledge and grow. Go with the flow this week and see what new ideas and unexpected information your receive.



You may be faced with a challenge on the career front this week. Try not to get emotional and overwhelmed but think of it more as an opportunity and a chance to expand. While these may be some career focus, it is also important to balance the relationships of those closest to you.



There will be focus this week on new ideas and strategies to have fun and bring more enjoyment into your life. learn a new skill or expand your knowledge on a subject that excites you. If you have been giving or taking too much with regards to shared resources or intimacy, you may be given the opportunity to rebalance these areas of your life.



Anything you need to communicate this week will be received effortlessly and effectively. Expect to receive big ideas and the ability to master new skills easily. If you are finding you are getting random ideas popping into your head, write them down in a notebook, they might mean something later on.



You may feel the urge or drive to create more efficiencies in your everyday routine. Use this energy to do an audit of your home systems, life goals and health routine. You may find that there are areas that are underwhelming and you could definitely go bigger.



So much of how we react to the present and envision our future has to do with the stories we tell ourselves about our past. Remember you are the writer of your story. The past may be on your mind this week and memories or perceptions of events may trigger emotions. Spend sometime at home mid week as you may feel you are quite sensitive to others emotions.



There may be a focus on your money and possessions along with a curiosity on how you can improve these areas of you life. There is a great opportunity to learn and develop new skills to manage and monitor your goals relating to money. If you are feeling emotional midweek look for creative ways to express yourself.

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