Weekly Horoscope - 2 April 2023



Your focus may be on money and your possessions that are of value to you. You may feel an urge or drive to try new ways to improve these areas of your life. The full moon towards the end of the week may bring an emotional peak in your relationships. Try and find a balance between your need and the needs of others.



Sometimes it is important to take a step back to gain a new perspective. If you feel like you have been doing a lot of inner work lately, this week you may find you are able to see more clearly. Decide what is working for you and what is not. This is a great week to pick apart your daily routine and only allow habits that are aligning you to the path you want.



If you do not already, this week is a great week to start a journaling practice. As mercury begins it’s transit through your 12th house your thoughts may be hard to silence. While nothing in particular may be bothering you, it is important to safely release anything that hidden.



If you find you have been focusing a lot on your work lately then you may find towards the end of the week you are being called more to come back home. Home is where your heart is cancer and it is important to find the balance between the two. Remember our homes can also include our inner home. Sometimes we need time alone to recharge.



You may feel a tug of war between where you are and where you want to be. When these feelings come up it is a great opportunity to get clear on exactly what you want and plan steps to get there. Towards the end of the week, if you have not been expressing yourself how you would like, you may feel the time is right to say your piece.



You may receive a new piece of information that leads you to change the way you look at things. To grow, it’s important to have an open mind and a flexible way of thinking. The full moon at the end of the week gives you the opportunity to break free from any financial matters that are no longer serving you.



You may find our detective skills go up a notch this week as you find yourself more in tune with subtle signals and clues. The full moon in your sign at the end of the week calls you to focus on yourself. Do things that make you feel beautiful, on the inside as well as the outside.



Sometimes our lives can slowly become out of order as we become busy or neglect our daily responsibilities. This week you may be more interested in sorting out these tiny messes you have let accumulate. Make a full audit of your household, habits and life goals and see if you can streamline your routines and objectives.



You may find yourself wanting to get your home more organised. Get that label maker out and make sure everything has a place. Remember a clear space brings a clear mind. The full moon at the end of the week is calling for you to find a balance between focusing on the finer details and focusing on the big picture. If you have been fixated on the minor tasks, it’s time to take a step back for a wider view.



You may find yourself less vocal and more interested in what others have to say. Each conversation with someone is a chance to learn something new about them whether you have know them for a lifetime or only just met. You may be feeling exhausted by the end of the week and even emotionally drained. Take time out to recharge your mind, body and soul.



You may start to think about new ways to have fun and enjoy yourself. This may include starting an online course with a creative aspect, or anything that will stimulate your mind in a fun way. The full moon at the end of the week may bring an end to a project at work. Or if you have been hiding in the shadows of your career, you may be called to step into the limelight.



New ideas and the ability to master new skills will come effortlessly to you this week. The full moon at the end of the week us a great time to close off any financial matters or pay off outstanding debts. If you feel your remuneration is not meeting your self worth it might be a good time to ask for a wage increase, mercury will be on your side.

Kate ZoricComment